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From the Source

Welcome to our testimonials section, with honest feedback from our clients who have taken our online and in-person courses. 

Anonymous Submission - Psychologist

"Fantastic. Well-researched and definitely worth the investment."

Anonymous Submission - Psychologist

"This was an amazing course. As stated an awesome introduction. I look forward to more..."

Anonymous Submission - Registered Counsellor

Great course ... exciting and valuable. Thank you for the empowering course.

Janine -
Research Psychologist

As an aspiring therapist, I found this course accessible, informative, well presented, and clear. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future of this industry holds, particularly when approached from an evidence-based perspective as advocated for by your course.

Anonymous Submission -

Thank you so much for such a well considered presentation of the topic. I really appreciated the way both Anthony and Brad balanced theoretical understanding with empathic clinical experience. Well done on being pioneers in this emerging field and making it accessible to the South African context. I certainly appreciate it both personally and professionally.

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